Dogs and cats alike will nibble and ingest green grass blades during the spring and summer months when availability and growth is plentiful. This behavior has been linked to boredom, curiosity, even nutritional necessity. Whatever the reason your pet decides to dine on greens, it becomes an important issue as the weather changes, the availability of grass is non-existent, pets spend more time indoors, and your houseplants start looking... Read More

It’s a Great Pumpkin!

Those beautiful orange berries we all know as pumpkins are abundant this time of year and there are many sizes, shapes, and colors to choose. After the perfect pumpkin has been selected, some helpful tips are needed to ensure its stay in your home. Neighborhood squirrels will be delighted to share the bounty you have placed on your front porch, and they won’t even ask! The seeds are the... Read More

Mulch – A Blanket of Care for Your Garden

Defined, mulch is a layer of organic or inorganic material spread on the surface of the soil to reduce moisture loss. Organic mulches are generally a better choicer because they offer the added benefits of improving soil structure and fertility. Organic mulches include compost (commercial or homemade), shredded bark, dried grass clippings (free of herbicides), aged sawdust, clean wheat straw, pine needles and other coarsely ground or shredded... Read More

Creek Side Artisan Craft Fair

Please join us Saturday November 3, 2018, from 10-3pm to explore wonderful holiday and gift crafts made right here in our community. Creek Side Gardens believes in supporting our local artisan crafter’s and is hosting 15+ local artisan crafts-people.  We’ll offer refreshments and share a fun day together. Great original gift ideas!  Crafts included: handmade soap, stained glass, handmade purses, aprons, aromatherapy, leather goods, photography, leather... Read More

Changing of the Season

The artist and poet Ashleigh Brilliant, once said, “Constant change is here to stay.”  Change can be disturbing for some and a relief for others. The changing of seasons happens to all. We talk of the “seasons” of our lives which are demarcated by the experience of growing older. From the ancient of times, humans have been rooted in the seasons, always watching the “signs” of change. This... Read More

Overwintering Container Plants

Every plant which has been placed in a container, such as trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals are subject to the Colorado winter which includes the damaging freeze/thaw cycle, drying winds, and extreme cold temperatures. The above ground exposure for these type of plantings is more extreme than if they had been planted in the ground. Your containers need extra protection to ensure root and crown survival.  Annuals will die... Read More

Fall Planting Bulbs

In the fall, we plant bulbs for spring.  Seems strange but it is the cold of winter that they need for optimum color and growth.   Tulips and Daffodils fall into the ‘bulb’ category.  Fall planting bulbs grow in layers (like an onion), and are the most common.  There are also other types (that aren’t even bulbs). Corms – Do not grow in layers.  The old one... Read More

Harvest Celebrations

September…traditionally the time of the year to celebrate the harvest. Food festivals, County Fairs, canning and preserving workshops, farmer’s markets over-flowing with the Earth’s bounty a perfect time to try a new recipe! Coloradans anxiously await the annual harvest of Hatch Green Chilis from New Mexico. Road side “roasters” have set up their wares ready to prepare this southwestern gastronomic delight. The village of Hatch, New Mexico and the... Read More

Lawn Fertilization Time!

This is the best time of year to thicken your lawn and root it down. Reduce frequency of watering as the weather cools off, but water deeply. It is important to fertilize your lawn this Fall if you haven’t recently and Mid-September is the time to apply the first application of Fall fertilizer before the ground freezes. The direct benefits of Fall fertilization are; it... Read More

What’s Growing On at Creek Side Gardens?

What a beautiful time of the year!  The color’s, the smells, the fresh feel of fall in the air!  Fall arrives next Wednesday Sept. 23.  Let’s celebrate the change of seasons with some fresh ideas! Garlic bulbs just arrived!  Now is the time to plant garlic.  Brand-new, garden designed blends of dutch bulbs make it easy to create areas of bright spring color.  Come in... Read More