Have you ever been in the greenhouse with the snow coming down? It is nice and toasty warm with the sights, smells and feel of spring all around. Visit the Creek Side Spring Spectacular Open House Saturday April 16 and you will have an opportunity to find out how it feels for yourself. All of our activities are planned for indoors and it is going to be a lot of fun!
Don Ireland, our guest speaker at 1pm is the presentation that you do not want to miss. Don is a former professional speaker offering great personal insight on the Habitat Hero program for the Front Range and Audubon Rockies region. Through this program, Habitat Hero participants have learned to improve landscaping by increasing the use of native and Plant Select recommended species to attract more birds, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. And how to conserve water at the same time, an especially scarce natural resource in the Colorado River Basin. Come by for a lunch at noon and stay for Don’s presentation at 1:00pm. Don will be raffling off free prizes and Creek Side will hold a free raffle after Don’s presentation. Read More
Some of you already know Joanie Bock. Joanie has been a terrific supporter of Creek Side Gardens by answering questions and offering great information about all things honey bees at several Creek Side events in the past. At 11am, Joanie will tell us about the life cycle of honeybees which is a critical component in beginning to understand what is going on with our pollinator friends. Then we will explore what we as homeowners and gardeners can do to help provide a habitat that will promote their good health.
Got bug or disease questions? Daniel Chimeno from Fertilome is your man visiting at 10am. Dan is not only a bug and disease control expert, but is also a home gardener and garden center manager himself. Not to mention, a great guy, very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful as well.
Color Me Cool Season Container Workshop at 10am. $40 materials fee. Using flowers that thrive in the cool season of early spring, create a container garden for your porch or patio that will light up with color now and through the season. You create and plant your own design and colors.
Join us for lunch at noon. Will Knowles, the Creek Side manager and resident horticulturist will be on hand during the lunch hour to answer questions on all topics gardening. Let’s get a conversation going and share gardening successes and failures with one another. That is how we all learn.
So there you have it! An action packed day, all in the warm cozy confines of Creek Side Gardens greenhouses. We’ll venture out occasionally during the day for greenhouse tours and an opportunity to view all the new, fun flowers that Creek Side has been preparing for you. In between, let the rain and snow come down, we don’t care, we’re putting the plan together and getting ready for the nice weather to come!