Annual Flowers

Annual Plants

Court yard color
At Creek Side Gardens, nothing says color in your life better than big, strong, colorful annual flowers that will bloom constantly all summer long.  Many colors, shapes, sizes and growing concerns are available.  We’re talking about your favorite and most familiar flowers like geraniums, petunias and marigolds.  Annual flowers are planted every summer.

Flower Evaluations

To be sure you have the very best annual varieties available, the Green Team searches through the regional flower trial gardens and scours the flower and plant catalogs to find the very best performing varieties for your garden.  These plants are then planted into containers filled with premium-quality potting soil and placed into our climate-controlled greenhouses where they are meticulously nurtured and cared for until they are ready for you to take home.  Check out our Grown Fresh GuaranteeTM.

Let us add color to your life. Call 303-933-8493 or contact us online.

Container Gardens & Hanging Baskets

Annuals are often planted in flower pots or container gardens to be enjoyed on a patio or porch around your home. They may be planted as one type of flower all together in a container. Or they may be planted in combination with one another to create a full, colorful design that sometimes takes your breath away! These are the big, beautiful hanging baskets and container gardens that you see at Creek Side Gardens when you come to visit.

Bedding Plants

violas 2015Garden beds are planted with annual plants to create a colorful flower bed in the landscape that really pops! These types of annual flowers are often called “bedding plants”. Bedding plants are typically grown from seeds that the gardener sows themselves or may be purchased in market packs at the garden center. Creek Side Gardens offers a great selection of seeds, as well as jumbo six-pack bedding plants for easy planting to create instant color in your flower bed.

Need advice from your community greenhouse? Call 303-933-8493 or contact us online.