In between Black Friday and Cyber Monday lies Small Business Saturday, a great opportunity to support your favorite family-owned, local neighborhood Small Business. This Nov. 24, we want to share Small Business Saturday® with you! It’s a holiday shopping tradition, proudly backed by American Express that celebrates small businesses like ours. And it wouldn’t be a celebration without customers like you joining us.
So, mark your calendar for Nov. 24 — the Saturday after Thanksgiving — and get ready to Shop Small® with us. Grab a friend or family member and come by CREEK SIDE GARDENS between 9am-6pm on the big day! You can help get the word out and celebrate Small Business Saturday by using #ShopSmall on Facebook, Instagram, and all your social networks.
Kick off the Creek Side Holiday spectacle by visiting our Indoor Living Gift and Home Décor Boutique featuring all the trappings of an excellent holiday season. And the Glasshouse will feature all the different colors of Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus and beautiful Holiday flowers you can think of. Plus, our freshly cut Christmas trees, wreaths, garland and greens, in all shapes and sizes will be on display, ready to decorate your home.
Creek Side Gardens will provide special Holiday Shopping deals, delicious snacks & refreshments all day as our way to say “Thank You” to all our wonderful, loyal Creek Sider customers, friends and fans.
Did you know, there are 596,210 small businesses in operation across Colorado, which make up 99.50% of all the businesses.. From local restaurants to the paint store down the street, small businesses have created major impacts across all communities.
48.60% of all employees in Colorado are working for a small business. Small businesses help ensure local economies stay strong and vibrant.
And that’s why in 2010, American Express founded Small Business Saturday to celebrate small business. Because when small businesses succeed, we all do.
You can help get the word out and celebrate Small Business Saturday by using #shopsmall on Facebook and all your social networks.
Thank you for all your support, and see you Saturday, Nov 24!