A New Beginning

Early each spring season, we review last year’s gardening experiences and begin a new plan for success.  Springtime is arguably the most exciting of all the seasonal changes because it really does feel like a new beginning with fresh hopes, attitudes and opportunities.

First off, determine what worked well and plan on capitalizing on those successes!  Did your beautiful flower pots on the front porch or back patio look good all summer?  Which plants in the vegetable garden really rocked?  How about your landscape – nice, green lawn?  Flowering shrubs and shady trees growing well?  Whatever you enjoyed the most last year, plan on repeating that care plan again this year.

Of course, there always a few areas that could use some improvement.

  • That flower bed that didn’t turn out like you expected last year; let’s adjust the plan to make it better this year.  Are the right plants in the correct location for sunlight and water?
  • The hanging baskets and container gardens that got out of control – plan on a trim for them mid-season. We’ll show you how.
  • Flower pots that pooped out – let’s review your water, fertilization schedule and plant selection.
  • What about those shrubs that you never got around to pruning; sounds like a great opportunity to get out and exercise a little, enjoy the early spring fresh air and get them under control this year.
  • Lawn looked rough; nothing that a little water and fertilizer can’t fix.  Stop by Creek Side to pick up our new Fertilome 4-step lawn fertilizer program. Wow!  It’s a fresh start to a big, beautiful new season!

Your Creek Side Green Team of experienced garden, nursery and landscape professionals are available to help you every step of the way.  Stop in anytime to discuss your plan.  Or join us for our Saturday morning classes.  Enjoy a coffee or snack while you learn about topics of interest!  We will inspire you and the classes are FREE!