Creek Side Gardens, your community greenhouse, garden center and nursery is where we come together to enrich each other’s lives. Whether we are preparing for a new season, during a busy growing season or just contemplating how and why it is that flowers and plants add so much to our lives, we realize that real joy is simply being connected in the Creek Side community. We are connected to nature, connected to our homes and families, and connected to one another as passionate and caring people who respect and enjoy the world around us.
Creek Side will host regularly scheduled community events to celebrate the joys of the season, have fun and offer our Creek Side staff and guests an opportunity to get to know each other better. We love to share our inspiration in the way we design and decorate our displays, offer activities and experiences and share a bit to eat and drink.
Lavender Dayz is on the the 2018 Event Calendar, this weekend, July 21-22. Lavender is one of the most unique plants in that it is used in so many different ways. From growing hardy plants and flowers in the garden, to decorating your home with beautiful lavender flowers, to enjoying the lavender fragrance in body care products offering a soothing and relaxing scent that calms our well-being.
Garden plants? Home décor? Healthful and inspired living? Who knew we could rally around one plant in the botanical world that offers so many things to so many different people. But that is what lavender does, it inspires each of us to enjoy life just a little more each day. And it inspires us to share our joy of living and living things with each other. Sounds like the perfect combination of influences for a Creek Side Gardens Community Event. Welcome to Lavender Dayz 2018!