Creek Side Garden Supplies

Garden supplies are an important component to help you be a successful gardener and landscaper.  Creek Side, offer’s a good variety of tools, fertilizers, plant supports, pest control, weed control and more for one stop spring time shopping.  We just received our shipments of these, and they are here for you to get your season started!

Cutting/Pruning tools – Bypass Pruners are the most convenient and practical way to clip small branches, rose canes or anything that needs a nice clean cut.  Loppers are great for larger branches and clippers make short work of trimming a hedge.  We also have some small pruning shears, perfect for cultivating herbs or clipping flowers from your cutting garden.

Plant Supports – wow! What a selection we have.  Support poles up to 6’. Circle grids; perfect for supporting tall perennials.  Tomato and peony cages.  Not to mention decorative trellis’ for showcasing your climbing vines.  Plant supports also include plant clips for vegetables, twine, stretch tape and others.  Very helpful in keeping your garden looking neat and tidy.

Watering – cannot keep the plants alive without water!  We have several sizes of watering cans as well as hose end watering wands and nozzles.

Fertilizers – Jack’s is here!  Our #1 selling water soluble fertilizer.  Did you know that we use the Jack’s Petunia Feed in our containers and hanging baskets?  The fertilizer options round out with an organic line, time release and liquids.



Pest Control – the biggest problem to most gardeners is those pesky Japanese Beetles.  Once the summer kicks in, here they come.  Other pests can be houseplant bugs, rabbits, and deer.  We also have products to help with all of those as well.  Our knowledgeable Green Team can help you select the best product for your pest problem including organic options.



Weed Control/Fungicides – lush lawns is what everyone wants without weeds.  Weed Free Zone is a cool season weed killer you can start using this in April along with the lawn fertilizer with a ‘pre-emergent’ weed control.  It will not get rid of the weeds you have, but with prevent any new weeds, start using in April.  Fungus is a normal and unsightly problem particularly on roses and vegetables.  Copper Fungicide can be used before the fungus shows up to help prevent it.