Creek Side Gardens Fall Garden Tips
Posted on September 4, 2024
Fall is for Planting!
- Perfect time to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, vegetables.
- Soil is warm until early November to help grow new roots.
- Get a head start for next season.
- Take advantage of sale prices from suppliers.
- Find the right plant for the right location – sun or shade, tall or short, early-mid-late season etc.
- Plant fall bulbs – tulips, daffodils, hycacinths, crocus
Plant trees and shrubs.
- Add beauty, shade and increase the value of your property.
- Established woody ornamentals require less water and are easy to care for in the fall.
- Dig hole, amend soil with compost, rough up root ball, plant at same depth.
- Keep new plants well watered initially, and then allow drying out to encourage new roots.
Plant perennials.
- Perennial gardening offers low maintenance and beauty once established.
- Most perennials are seasonal bloomers – early, mid or late season bloom.
- Challenge and fun is to design a palette of color throughout the season.
- Visit the garden center seasonally to see what is available for color.
- Dig hole, amend soil with compost, rough up root ball, plant at same depth.
- Keep new plants well watered initially, and then allow drying out to encourage new roots.
- Divide perennials such as iris, peony, oriental poppy, daylily
Plant fall flowering annuals for the greatest color impact.
- Plant pansies, mums & Black-eyed Susan’s in ground beds or containers.
- Some will over-winter if cared for throughout winter.
- Lots of colors and sizes available.
- Consider the Creek Side Fall Porch Kit for decorating – straw bale, corn stalks, mum, and pumpkin!
- Plant cool season seeds like lettuce, spinach, kale, radishes, carrots, wildflowers, cover crops
Lawn maintenance
- Lawn grasses love the cool fall temps.
- Fertilize now and again in early October.
- Over-seed thin areas with general purpose grass seed to fill in. Keep seed moist to germinate.
- Mow tall to conserve water.
Tree & shrub maintenance
- Stop pruning now as this encourages new growth which will be tender this winter.
- Or may cut off next year’s flower buds depending upon variety.
- Deep root water established trees & shrubs on a warm day now.
- Discontinue fertilizer.
- Use tree wrap on trunks of trees less than 3 years old prevent sun-scald.
- Resume tree and shrub pruning after early Nov. – early Mar.
- Winter water once a month, especially new plants.
Perennial maintenance
- Remove weeds from beds
- Fertilize once more then discontinue.
- Dead-head old flower stems.
- After first frost, lift tender perennials for winter storage – dahlias, gladiolus, tuberous begonias, canna
- After frost, cut back perennials with crown to 3” above ground, to 1” if no crown.
- Mulch perennials & roses after the first hard frost.
- Cut back grasses in spring to enjoy winter interest.
- Winter water once a month, especially new plants.
Annual and vegetable bed maintenance
- Till or spade the soil leaving chunky clods to hold more snow & retain water.
- Home-made compost can be added to the soil at this time of the year – empty compost bins.
- Prepare compost bins for leaf mulch.
- Sow a cover crop of legumes to hold soil in place, then till into soil in the spring. i.e. cover crop
- Clean up annual containers after frost and store.
- Prune raspberry canes – last years summer fruiting canes to the ground, this years about half way down to ground
- Bring in houseplants.
Plan to water conservatively for next season
- Colorado is a high plains desert – 13” annual precipitation
- Use drip irrigation when possible – soaker hoses & timers
- Mulch ground beds with 2-3” of shredded bark or compost to hold in moisture
- Water early in the day
- Choose xeric plants that naturally need less water.
Have fun and enjoy!
- Imagine your own personal outdoor oasis.
- Imagine if your home had the perfect curb-side appeal.
- Imagine if you had the “just right” plants to create your perfect landscape.
- Creek Side Gardens is Where Inspiration Grows…