Your Creek Side Green Team is feeling the spring fever in a big way this weekend, just like everybody else in the Denver area. We are lucky in that we can exercise our spring fever by planting flowers in the greenhouse. Our greenhouses are equipped with furnaces and cooling fans so that we can re-create spring like conditions for growing spring and summer flowers right now. No matter if the snow is blowing or the sun is shining, the environmental conditions in the greenhouse are precisely controlled to the exact conditions that our flowers prefer. Just think about how fast they will grow in the next 12 weeks until Mother’s Day!
This week was the first big planting of container gardens and hanging baskets for your porch and patio. These are the big, beautiful flower designs that you have come to expect when you visit Creek Side. Every design has been updated for the 2017 season. Over 40 new flower varieties have been chosen for larger flowers, more heat tolerance and a long bloom cycle that will be mixed and matched with our tried and true selections to offer a stunning display of color.
You know the best part of shopping for container gardens and hanging baskets to make your porch and patio look awesome this spring? Creek Side makes it easy for you. It doesn’t take too much time. Come in and tour the greenhouses to find the perfect match for your décor. It will be fun! It doesn’t take too much work on your part. Make your selection, Creek Side will load the plants into your vehicle for you. Or if you prefer, we will deliver them to your home. It is not too complicated. Your Green Team staff of horticultural professionals will help you with your selection. All you must do is water them throughout the summer and enjoy!
Can’t wait to see these big, beautiful plants blooming? Stop by in March and/or April for a little spring fever break and catch a sneak peek of what is too come! Creek Side Gardens – we bring color to your life!