It’s that time of the Rocky Mountain growing season where damage to flowers and gardens due to hail could happen at any time. The hail storms from yesterday and today devastated many of our gardens and landscapes. Believe us, we know the feeling. Through the tears and anger we have some advice for you. It is still early in the season, there is plenty of time and yes – they will grow back!!
Hail Damage Repair Tips
– Trim back damaged foliage, stems and flowers. You need to determine whether there are small tears in the leaves that can be left on the plant, or whether they are mostly shredded and need removal. If there are roots in the soil and a green stem above ground, that plant will grow back.
– Water sparingly until the surface of the soil dries out. Once the plant grows new leaves, the soil will begin to dry out more regularly.
– Once the soil begins to dry out regularly, fertilize the remaining plants.
– Trees and shrubs that have lost leaves will grow new leaves before the end of the season.
– BE PATIENT. The plants “want” to grow and they will thrive again. You’ll be surprised at how quickly some partially damaged plants will show signs of recovery. It is early enough in the season for many plants to recover and come back bigger and stronger than ever!
Creek Side Gardens understands and empathize with you. We have new fresh plants ready for any fill-in needs. Our Grown Fresh summer program of 4.5” and 6” pots and hanging baskets of heat loving annuals has been planted and will be ready in a few weeks as well if you need anything as we go through our summer season.
Creek Side Grown Fresh perennials will continue to grow and bloom through their seasonal bloom cycle. Our selection is good so stop by to see what is blooming at this time of the year. Trees and shrubs look great as well.