We know the story. It’s been a long, hot summer. You are already feeling a little worn out from working extra hard to take care of your spring and summer flowers. Water, water, water. Chase away the bugs, bugs, bugs. Maybe a hail storm in between. Ouch! Hopefully most of your beautiful container gardens and hanging baskets have come through in pretty good shape.
In some cases, there have been a few failures. It was just too hot. There was the one time you went out of town for a few days and asked somebody to water. Yeah, we know how that goes…but they just don’t understand exactly what that means, do they? “I watered everything every day. Not sure what happened to that dead one.”
Don’t be discouraged. With the cooler temperatures arriving in August it will be easier to keep everything under control. And the days and evenings coming up are beautiful for sitting on the patio for simple relaxation or to visit with family and friends. The kids go back to school. Plus the climate for the next 2 months is just right for really great flower growing! It is like a whole second chapter of opportunity to enjoy big, bright, beautiful flowers around your home.
First of all, keep up with watering and fertilization on your existing pots and baskets. Don’t be afraid to get out a sharp pair of shears and trim up the stragglers. Secondly, introducing new flowers to your garden should not be out of the question. There is a lot of gardening time left to enjoy them. Plus the flower palette available is different than the spring flowers and so it is exciting to have some new and different types of flowers around. Think about zinnias, lantana, salvia, pentas, angelonia, and other colorful heat-loving annuals.
We know you may not be too excited about planting right now. So Creek Side makes this prospect simple and easy by offering an assortment of big, bold, colorful summer blooming annuals grown in 6” pots. Mix and match between colors and varieties to create your own custom design. Plant a few pots together in a larger container or just arrange the individual pots around each other on the deck or patio. Keep them watered and you are good to go. Priced from $9.95-$11.95 each, this is a very budget friendly way of making the most out of the second half of the summer in your garden.
Grown Fresh Big Summer Color at Creek Side Gardens. Stop by and the Green Team will show you just how easy it is to enjoy beautiful flowers all around your home right up until the very end of the growing season.