Successful gardens typically begin with a good plan before planting. Whether you would like to fill in a small space, possibly where an old shrub was removed. Or replanting the whole front yard in place of your bluegrass lawn. Let’s take a look at what variables to consider when planning a great new, fresh look for your landscape.
Site Preparation
In addition to reflecting upon what you would like to see as you gaze over the area. Remember to factor in the basics. Don’t neglect site preparation and the incorporation of organic matter, like Nature’s Yield Compost into the soil. Healthy soil will help lead to healthy plants.
Light Levels
Number one in plant selection, is the location sunny or shady? All successful gardens are going to incorporate the “right plant in the right place”. What does that mean? Generally, perennials will be divided into groups of light requirements. Sunny perennials in sunny areas. Shady perennials in shady areas. Trying to grow a shady plant in the sun or a sunny plant in the shade is a recipe for failure based on the plant’s basic biology.
Color, Height & Season
Then the fun begins, how to incorporate flower color, plant height and bloom season all into your design. It’s simple, choose the colors you like. Place tall plants in the back of the design or in the center of an all-around design. Short plants in the front or along the edge. Blend in a mixture of perennials with early, mid and late season bloom time to keep the design colorful all season long.
More detailed perennial planning information here.
One of the perennial design trends in Colorado is to remove our water-loving bluegrass lawns and replace the area with low-water, native to semi-native plants. All of the design aspects for a general perennial garden plan still apply. Including plant selection based on light levels, flower color, plant height and bloom season.
Save Water
But the plants chosen will have lower water requirement once they are established. Saving a whole lot of water in our arid, high plains desert climate. A beautiful design can be created that will mimic our natural landscape and provide forage for bees, butterflies, birds and pollinators.