Vegetable gardening is one of the most popular pastimes in the home garden. If you have never grown a tomato plant or sown some lettuce seeds in the spring, you are missing out on one of the most gratifying aspects of gardening. Grow it yourself, harvest the fruits of your labors and serve the bounty to your family. How satisfying!
Vegetables can be demanding plants. Most need fertile soil, protection from wind, regular watering, and some help to defend themselves against pests. A little planning before planting your vegetable garden will go a long way in helping to create a productive and manageable garden space.
Vegetable Garden Planning
Focus your resources on planting only enough of what you would like to eat and enjoy. Vegetables may be grown in containers or raised beds, as well as in a traditional ground bed. Divide your plants into cool and warm season. Sort out what to start directly from seed or what would be best to start with a transplant. Read More planning information here.
Vegetable Gardening in Containers
If you are short on space, simply consider growing vegetables in containers on the patio. Any large container filled with a good quality potting soil will work. Select vegetable varieties that have been especially breed for compact, productive for growing in containers. Or consider investing in the Earth Box growing system for your patio. Some of our customers swear their Earth Box is the only way to go! Stop by Creek Side to see how they may work for you.
Raised Bed Plans
Consider constructing a raised bed if you are short on space and you would like to develop a more intensive growing system. Raised bed construction plans here.
Organic Vegetable Gardening
When we think of eating healthy, what may come to mind, is the thought of eating organic produce or fresh home-grown organically grown vegetables. Mainly because we may prefer to know where our food comes from and that it has not been sprayed with chemicals. But this notion of organic gardening does not fully encompass the full scope of what organic vegetable gardening truly means. Read More Here.
Cold Frames
Cold frames are used to extend the vegetable growing season beginning in early spring and into late fall and even winter. How much fun would it be to harvest carrots at Christmas time? Or harvest lettuce for St. Patrick’s Day? If you are getting serious about extending your harvest times, consider constructing a cold frame. Read More Here.
Seed Sowing Indoors
If you enjoy caring for houseplants, consider sowing seeds indoors. The most important requirement is to provide bright light. In the windowsill or under growing lights. What a fun way to get the season started early. Now is the time to sow tomato and pepper seeds. Read More Here