Many customers ask, ‘when do you close for the season?’ and are often surprised to learn that we are open until December 23rd. It’s a little quiet after the Pumpkin Patch closes down but Creek Side Gardens is a year ’round greenhouse, garden center and nursery that keeps rolling through the seasons! Right now, before the holidays our Green Team staff of horticultural professionals are creating the plans for the upcoming spring season. Which new flower varieties to grow, how many, where will we grow them. Now…back to the season at hand…
Holiday Gifts & Decor
Just before Halloween, the gift shop will be redecorated for the upcoming holiday season. The Green Team elves come in to work their collective magic and transform the Indoor Living Holiday Gift and Décor Shop into a winter wonderland of holiday cheer. Stop by Saturday November 9 from 10-3pm for a special Holiday Preview Open House!
During the month of November, the rest of the store is turned upside down preparing for the arrival of fresh Christmas trees, fresh greenery, fresh wreaths, holiday plants and more. By Thanksgiving the entire garden center, is a hubbub of activity and customers are stopping by to pick up a tree, a poinsettia, or a great gift.
Small Business Saturday
Sponsored by American Express and celebrated the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year Nov. 30 will be our official holiday kickoff and a great day to support your favorite family owned and operated small business. From this point on until December 23rd, the Green Team stays busy with to joyfully help our customers with their holiday decorating and gift giving needs.
Fall in the Greenhouse
The seasons of late fall and early winter take on their own life here at Creek Side Gardens. Most of the greenhouses have been emptied, swept, and cleaned for the season. But a couple of the houses store perennials, shrubs, and roses for winter hibernation. Even after the retail store closes on December 23rd, a thoughtful group of Green Team employees are here every day to care for the plants, some that are both dormant and some still growing. Oh, and to take care of Bud the cat!
What is growing now?
House 1 is the one house that is heated and currently growing plants. We start Cordylines and Dracaena spikes now for spring pot ‘thrillers’. Often during the slow times, we bump up the small houseplants to bigger pots that will be ready for sale when we reopen our retail store in February. House plants will take up residence in House 1 as the poinsettias take over the Glasshouse.
The Glasshouse, which is attached to the store is full of houseplants for late fall and winter shopping. In mid-November our first shipment of Poinsettias’, blooming holiday plants and succulents arrive and will be displayed and priced. Customers love entering the warm and cozy glasshouse to find colorful and blooming holiday plants.