This Nov 28 Small Business Saturday®, which means it is almost time to celebrate with your favorite small businesses — like (hint, hint) the one sending you this email.
The holidays might look a little different this year, but we are excited to share this holiday season with our customers. And especially this year, we’re happy to offer extra assistance to help you #ShopSmall safely.
Our Green Team will be wearing masks and you will too as you browse our Holiday Décor and Gift Boutique because your health and safety is a priority for our business.
We offer customer hand sanitizers located near the entrance, point of sale, and restrooms for your convenience. High touch areas like the checkout counter are sanitized regularly.
Enjoy our one-way checkout aisle offering plenty of space between customers so that we can respectfully keep our distance. And we will monitor the number of customers inside the store at any one time to help observe social distancing so that you will feel safe during your visit.
So, mark your calendar for Nov. 28 — the Saturday after Thanksgiving — and get ready to Shop Small® with us.
Holiday Decor & Gifts
We have big plans for #SmallBizSat, and we want you to be a part of them! Kick off the Creek Side Holiday spectacle by visiting our Christmas at Creek Side Indoor Living Home Décor & Gift Boutique featuring all the trappings of an awesome holiday season.
Poinsettias, Holiday Flowers & Christmas Trees
The Glasshouse will feature all the different colors of Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus and beautiful Holiday flowers you can think of. Plus, our fresh cut Christmas trees, wreaths, garland and greens, in all shapes and sizes will be on display, ready to decorate your home.
Shopping Deals
Creek Side Gardens will provide special Holiday Shopping deals all day as our way to say “Thank You” to all our wonderful, loyal Creek Sider customers, friends, and fans. Stay tuned for details….
Save the date to Shop Small® with us because when you do, you make a big difference for our business and our community. Join us in making this Small Business Saturday one to remember!
As always, thank you for your continued support — we cannot wait to celebrate with you!