It takes an average of twenty-five hours for a hen to form and lay an egg.
Salt causes raw egg to congeal. This makes it an especially helpful agent in cleaning up any egg-decorating accidents.
An old farmer’s saying holds that if you hear thunder on the first day of April, the corn and hay crops will be plentiful.
April Fool’s day originated in France, where it is still celebrated with the poisson d’Avril – a paper fish pinned to unsuspecting persons.
In Iran, the thirteenth of spring – April 2nd – is a holiday. People consider it unlucky to stay indoors on this day, so they picnic in the countryside and celebrate the season.
Bluebird hatchlings arrive in spring just when the year’s first caterpillars, one of their favorite foods, are readily available.
On April 23rd, women in Barcelona pay respect to the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes and his knight errant, Don Quixote, by giving their sweethearts books. In return, they receive roses in honor of Saint George, whose day it also is.
Some gardeners believe that tilling your garden at night, preferably during the new moon, diminishes weed growth. The exposed seeds cannot germinate in the dark.
The durability of the diamond, April’s birthstone, is reflected in its name, which is derived from the ancient Greek word adamastos, or fortitude.
The mountainous cumulus clouds that tower thousand of feet in the sky can be made up of as little as twenty gallons of water.
Thinking of spring cleaning…in the late fifties, air fresheners often contained formaldehyde; rather than perfuming the air, they deadened your sense of smell!
The big dipper is bright in the northern sky this month. In the mid nineteenth century, slaves used this constellation as a guide to the north, and freedom, along the Underground Railroad.