Sprouts, Microgreens and Cover Crops from Seed

“Spring” Into Action is the motto at Creek Side Gardens for 2024! Now is a great time to start prepping for seed sowing outdoors and indoors.

Microgreens and Sprout Seeds 

Here is a fun way to start seeds indoors and the rewards are immediate!  Not only are microgreens and sprouts healthy snacks they are fun to watch grow.  Many varieties germinate in 3-5 days and are ready to harvest.  A seed sprouting container or a mason jar with a mesh top are perfect for growing your sprouts.  A flat tray filled with soil makes a great tabletop ‘raised bed’ for your microgreen crop.  February is a good time to give them a try as we wait for warmer and longer days to get out to the garden.  You can also start other varieties of seeds indoors anytime.  Our class schedule is on our website now and we will be having a seed starting class on Saturday, March 2nd – Seeds & seed propagation.  See Here

Wildflowers and Cover Crops 

More and more people are moving away from classic turf and replacing the turf with wildflower garden beds.  March is a wonderful time to scatter out varieties of pollinator flowers, hummingbird attracting flowers, perennial flowers or cutting garden flowers.  Scatter seeds generously and lightly cover with compost.  The compost will protect the seeds from wind and birds.  Snowfall will help them germinate and keep them moist.  As the days get warmer and longer, it will be exciting to see what starts to sprout.

What is a cover crop?

Cover crops are added to your garden bed to help choke weeds, protect soil structure and build soil fertility.  Many people sow cover crops in the fall for their vegetable garden beds, protecting the soil for the next season.  And then tilled into the soil in the spring.  Cover crops can be sowed in early spring as well.  They thrive in cooler temperatures and by putting down a cover crop now, it will give you a head start on your garden beds when you are ready to plant.