Terrarium gardening is a great way to express your own style and creativity through assorted plants and special containers. Choosing the right terrarium plants makes it easy to enjoy these spectacular houseplants without fussing over their care.
Where do you start?
You can make incredible gardens using a wide variety of different containers—many of which you may already have at home. Think outside the box, a glass jar, wicker lined basket, low bowls and glass canisters are all unique ideas. Choosing your terrarium containers will have a huge impact on how the final project looks. It is important that the container has airflow and not sealed tight.
Laying the foundation
Terrarium containers do not have drainage, so it is important to create a ‘wicking’ layer between your soil and the bottom of the container. Using sand or small rocks would be not only functional for this purpose but also decorative through the glass. Choose a good clean potting soil for your plants.
Picking the right plants
There is an endless amount of terrarium plants to choose from. Put together some of varying sizes, colors, and textures. Use a combination of plants that they look pleasing when planted in combination with one another. If something does not work out, try something else. Here are a few selections that work well in terrariums.
Fittonia – has pine, white or red-veined leaves. It likes humid environments and low light. These plants tend to grow well with soil that can retain moisture but also drain well.
Peperomia – This houseplant grows well in both low light and bright conditions. These plants prefer their soil to be more dry than wet, so you do not need to over water. Peperomia has many different colors and textures to choose from.
Creeping Fig – Creeping fig, with its small, variegated heart-shaped leaves, makes a lovely addition to almost any terrarium. It is a perennial climbing vine, so you can train it to creep up sticks or a bamboo stake.
Pilea – also known as a ‘Chinese Money Plant”. These thrive and look beautiful in terrariums with their bright colors and interesting variegation. These plants do well in either indirect sunlight or shade. Keep the soil relatively dry—you’ll be able to see the leaves slightly droop when more water is required.
Polka-Dot Plants – This plant is cheerful and comes in pink, red, and silver varieties. Easy to care for, its ok to pinch it back if it gets too tall or starts to get leggy.
Ferns – Many ferns love the humidity that a terrarium offers. There are many different types of ferns is assorted colors, textures, and growth habits.
Accessorizing your terrarium
It’s time to put your own style into your terrarium. Add some small stones or pebbles. Broken terra cotta pot pieces are wonderful in a terrarium garden. Moss, bark, sand, or sticks are all great additions and give your terrarium an organic feel.