Our Creek Side Gardens Spring Spectacular Open House is your best opportunity to get a sneak peek as to what all the new plants and flowers are going to look like this spring and summer. Lots of new annual flowers for our big, beautiful hanging baskets and container gardens, plus a big selection of new perennial varieties.
Enjoy coffee and snacks in the morning and lite snacks from 11-1pm. Raffles at 11am and 1pm. Must be present to win!
One Day Only
To help get your Spring Season off to a great start, enjoy a 10% discount on all Grown Fresh perennial plants. Over 300 varieties to choose from starting at $7.95 regular price.
Enjoy 10% savings on all ProMix Potting Soils, Natures Yield Compost and all bark mulches.
Hardy Boy Red Hot Pots
Stop by to get the details about how to get the coolest free seasonal plants with a coupon from Hardy Boy in the Denver Post Friday Grow Section or online here.
Burpee Vegetables
Over 30 varieties in the Creek Side Burpee vegetable program. Lots of new tomato and pepper varieties to offer that have been especially breed for the home gardener. See them in our seed starting House1 (behind the Glasshouse).
Fertilome Lawn Care
Check out the Fertilome 4-Step Lawn Care program. Next to water applications, additional fertilizer for your lawn is most important consideration. More Info Here.
Greenhouse Tours
Join a greenhouse tour and find out how Creek Side comes up with all the beautiful plants you see in the greenhouse. All our greenhouses and nursery areas are open for visiting. Let us know you would like a tour. Or give yourself a tour!
Early season perennials blooming NOW! Creek Side grows over 300 varieties of perennials right in site in our nice, cool greenhouses down on the creek. Selecting the perennial plants for your garden directly from the grower offers several advantages.
Big, healthy plants that are going to grow well and flourish. They have been subjected to the cold cycle of winter which will allow them to bloom the first season they are planted in your garden.
The varieties chosen to be grown at Creek Side are because they are especially good for growing in the hot, dry Rocky Mountain region. Plants like Agastache, Echinacea, Delosperma, Penstemon, Coreopsis are available in several different colors. Shade garden plants available as well.
The plants you select at Creek Side are conditioned for early spring growing conditions. The pots are started warm and then the temperatures are gradually turned down until they finish the season in a greenhouse with minimal heat. The cool growing conditions helps to make them strong and ready for planting in your garden.
Visit the place “Where Inspiration Grows” to find the very best perennial plants for your garden this season.