Hardening Off Plants before Planting

“Hardening off” may sound like some sort of difficult preparation for a college exam. Take heart. It isn’t. It isn’t even hard! Hardening off refers to the process of acclimating plants from indoor temperatures to the outdoors. Because plants usually are grown in greenhouses (or, as seedlings in our kitchen window!), they’ve been pampered. They need to be introduced slowly to the elements of wind... Read More

Creek Side Gardens Top 10 Gardening Tips

Plan your Garden Draw and follow a plan for plants, fences and hardscape to avoid having to move them as the garden evolves. Determine the type and style of garden you want, and then develop a 5-year plan to accomplish the makeover. Find the right plant for the right location – sun or shade, tall or short etc. Minimize maintenance Make it as easy as... Read More

Improve Soil Health

A little understanding of our weather conditions and working in our drier, sometimes limiting soil properties will help you improve your garden soil and make smart plant choices this gardening season. Add Organic Matter Whether you have overly clayey or sandy soil the best way to improve it is to add organic matter (OM) which eventually becomes humus. Humus is the result of decomposed organic... Read More

Light it- Spin it- Stake it!

The Creek Side Garden shop is filling up with new products every week.  Along with the colorful bird feeders and hummingbird feeders, new garden art just arrived. Solar Lanterns As your outdoor entertainment picks up often the best times are when the sun goes down.  Running on solar ‘batteries’ make sure your ON switch is set and get ready to be wowed.  Glowing lanterns with... Read More

The Tropics Have Arrived in Colorado

Our semi-trailer pulled in this week carrying our 400+ tropical plants. Each season, these tropical selections give us Coloradoans a taste of living in a tropical climate! Here we will highlight our 2024 selections. Hibiscus The hibiscus flower is large, striking, and trumpet-shaped and comes in a range of bright colors. Grows all over in warm climates, such as Hawaii. By watering and fertilizing consistently,... Read More

Perennial Plant Seasonal Selection

A well-designed perennial garden can provide many years of beauty and enjoyment. Careful selection of plant materials and thoughtful planning can result in a full season of color.  The list of possible perennial plants is long. Choose plants for: light and water requirements bloom period flower color height Compile a chart, organizing this information in an easily viewed manner. Bloom times may vary with weather,... Read More

A Good Support System

Everyone needs support in their lives and so do your plants.  As your perennials, vegetables, vines, and roses begin to grow, you will realize very quickly that they will need support which will help your plants reach their full potential and improve the appearance of your garden.  Here at Creek Side Gardens, we have several different types of support for all different types of plants.... Read More

Ready to Go for Spring!

  Indoor Living Gift Shop with spring themed gifts an decor.  Nice selection of colorful porch coir doormats to choose from.  Check out spring napkins, dish towels, candles, cards, porch flags. ‘Cool Wave’ pansy baskets are a great pop of color to your outdoor living space. Pansies are cold tolerant and hardy.  Pansy Bowls and Container Gardens ready for the season!  Plant your own 6-pak pansy... Read More

Cool Season Weed Control

Weed/wed/ noun a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants. A plant out of place. Now is the perfect time to nip it in the bud, figuratively and literally.  Work extra hard now to control weeds and life will be a little easier down the road. In the Garden Pre-emergent – Preen Application Tips First remove any existing... Read More

Raised Beds & Small Space Gardens

‘THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX’ – OR RATHER… IN THE BOX. RAISED BEDS  Raised bed gardening, or container gardening is a growing trend.  People are using more and more horse troughs, whiskey barrels or even an old tub to create a raised garden that is fully contained.  This season at Creek Side Gardens we have some raised bed kits that would be a perfect addition to... Read More