Plant & Gardening Trends

Holiday Porch Pots and Fresh Evergreens

One of the most distinctive aspects of celebrating the holiday season is the look, feel and fragrance of holiday greens used in decorating our homes.  There is nothing like the smell of fresh evergreen boughs to remind us that the holiday season is fast approaching. Christmas Trees & Evergreens The most familiar use of holiday greens is of course the Christmas tree.  Setting up a... Read More

Know Your Christmas Trees

Noble Fir These needles turn upward, exposing the lower branches. Known for its beauty, the noble fir has a long keep ability, and its stiff branches make it a good tree for heavy ornaments, as well as providing excellent greenery for wreaths and garland. Long considered an excellent Christmas tree because of its beauty, stiff branches and long keepability, the species is growing in popularity... Read More

Holiday Flowering Plant Care Tips

Poinsettia Select plants with colorful bracts covering the top of the plant.  Leaves should be uniformly green with no lower leaves missing.  Place plants anywhere in your home, will tolerate various light levels throughout the holidays.  Keep soil moderately moist with a chance to dry out between applications.  Water thoroughly whenever the soil feels dry to the touch and never allow the plant to stand... Read More

Poinsettia Selection and Care

Selection Poinsettias do well in the home and keep their color sometimes until mid-March. The showy red, pink, white, yellow, bicolored or speckled modified “leaves” are called bracts. With proper light and temperature, they accumulate the anthocyanin pigments that give them their color. The flowers (cyathia) of the poinsettia are in the center of the bracts. Male and female parts are present, along with a... Read More

Preparing for winter – from our ‘green’ house to yours

Preparing our gardens for the winter is important.  Most of the greenhouses at Creek Side have been ‘winterized’ for the season. A few of the houses have potted plants in them whether it is heated or not. Our perennials are tucked away in the ‘cold’ house.  This greenhouse offers protection to the plants from the wind and very severe cold winter temperatures. Once these plants... Read More

Outside Plants – Inside

If you can’t bear to part with your outside plants, there is hope!  The plants listed below will not survive outside during Colorado’s winter weather.  But with a little care, can be nurtured inside and then place back outside next year: Begonia, Bougainvilla, Citrus, Coleus, Ficus, Gardenia, Geranium, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Mandevilla, Passion Flower, Pentas, Rosemary Location Many gardeners know that heartbreaking feeling that comes with... Read More

Fall & Winter Garden & Landscape Tips

Lawns Hand rake lawns to remove leaves and encourage air movement in roots. Top dress with uneven spots with top soil and/or peat moss. Reseed bare spots. Aerate lawn with a minimum of 2” plugs (not too dry). Leave plugs on top of lawn. Apply Fertilome Winterizer 1 lb. of high nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 sq ft. of turf. Water in well. Planting Beds Remove... Read More

Fall Bulbs and Seeds

September and October are the best months for planting bulbs and sowing seeds. The day temps have cooled, and night temps are chilly, perfect time to plant. Fall Bulbs Creek Side has a good selection of fall bulbs. Tulips, Crocus, Hyacinth and Daffodils to name a few. Follow the directions as to the planting depth of each variety. Make sure your soil is full of nutrients such... Read More

Creek Side Gardens Fall Garden Tips

Fall is for Planting! Perfect time to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, vegetables. Soil is warm until early November to help grow new roots. Get a head start for next season. Take advantage of sale prices from suppliers. Find the right plant for the right location – sun or shade, tall or short, early-mid-late season etc. Plant fall bulbs – tulips, daffodils, hycacinths, crocus Plant trees... Read More

Fall Shrubs and Trees to Plant

Beautiful fall weather conditions are in store for the next couple of weeks.  The warm soil temperatures will make your landscape shrubs and trees grow nicely.  Let’s make our landscape beautiful! Landscape planting It is not too late to plant trees and shrubs if you water them adequately. The Creek Side selection of shrubs and trees of all sizes for your landscape planting is real... Read More